Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just My Luck!!

I just realized that the one and only training that I will be attending this year is the week after Raya in Miri!!

That means that I will have to return back to KL on the 4th of Syawal itself so that I could fly to Miri the very next day :(

My in-laws are not going to be happy..


  1. kita raya miri tahun ni.. huhu

  2. salam hoping dari blog babyibu. bagusnya...dah dpt diary for the whole year of 2010...ada jugak training dibuat dekat2 hari raya ye?

  3. Huhu... sedih.. kalau macam ni seminggu sebelum raya nak kena balik kampung dah la. Supaya tak terasa sangat bila kena balik KL on the 4th day.

    Queen of Pirus, yup. Terpaksa pergi la sebab training ni dah ada dalam target list sejak last year.. dah la setahun sekali je buat kat Malaysia. Kalau boleh pergi region lain boleh tukar tarikh. Tapi panjang la process nak justify to the big bosses.
