First and foremost I want to wish all the muslims in this whole world Eid Mubarak!! Ramadan has surely breezed in a thousand blessings, and has left us with a month of celebration in Syawal :) and what a great month it has started out to be!

I hope everyone is enjoying it as much as I am over here.. to me this year, Syawal has brought the family closer to each other. We have just returned from a long, and I would also like to add last minute planned, trip "balik kampung", starting from Subang to Kelana Jaya (my parents' place) to Batu Pahat (my hubby's mother's hometown) to Mersing (my dad's hometown) to Kuala Terengganu (my hubby's father's hometown)... all in all we have travelled 1400++km... We travelled both day and night, until I lost track of what day it is!! But it was worth it, getting to see the family again.
For me this is the 4th raya that I am spending with hubby. The first time we celebrated Eid together was right after confinement, and we took our little bundle of joy for the first time back to KT after spending a few hours with my parents on the morning of the first day of Syawal. Back then, I was so anxious of how I would be accepted in the family. It was the first time I would be sleeping over at his granny's, and there was so many people I still need to know. There's so many things that was running in my mind, will they like me? what if I say something wrong? .. and so for most of our time there, my dear husband was always by my side, or atleast in the same room as me. The only time I would let him leave me (and little baby) alone is if I was already asleep. Back then, Naufal was very dependent on me too, and that made me feel like I need my hubby's assistance even more...
The 2nd Eid we celebrated, I was still wary of my actions. I'm still in doubt whether I'm part of the crowd yet, and at times I am not sure whether everyone I met remembers who I am... But it was fun getting to meet not only his side of the family but also his friends too. At this time one of his friends whom I met earlier in Dublin, on my visit from the States, was getting engaged.
The 3rd Eid was much more relaxed, I am much more comfortable with people and Naufal is starting to mingle with the other kids.
This time around, as you can imagine, I am more of myself. Naufal is no longer interested with hanging around with me cause he has other kids to play with. I don't mind Norman leaving me with others anymore. I'm open for discussions and talks, I can say NO if I feel like it, and I really feel like a member of the clan :) Finally, we're on the same wavelength, hooray!!
To all my friends out there, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN